Bartec Municipal Technologies

How To Manage Industrial Waste

Industrial waste refers to the by-products, residues, and pollutants generated during the manufacturing and production processes in industrial industries. This waste can take the form of solid, liquid, or gaseous materials and often contains substances that are harmful to the environment, human health, or both. Depending on the operations and processes of an organisation, their industrial waste can vary greatly – examples of commonly produced industrial waste include earth and dirt, masonry and building materials, oil and chemicals, wood, food and scrap metal.

Managing industrial waste presents challenges for businesses that can be both costly and complex. These challenges encompass environmental impact, as improper waste management can lead to pollution, ecosystem damage, and regulatory penalties, affecting a company’s reputation and legal standing. Furthermore, the financial burden of waste management, including transportation, treatment, and regulatory compliance, can be significant. The continuously evolving landscape of environmental regulations in many countries can also make the process confusing for businesses as they attempt to remain on the right side of the law.

Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the most effective ways to manage your business’s industrial waste.

Minimise Your Waste

As always, the most effective way to manage your industrial waste is to assess if any reduction in waste production is possible. Less waste will make management significantly easier and less costly.

You may want to consider a waste audit to assess where the majority of your waste is being produced and take remedial steps to lessen the quantity. The use of more efficient raw materials and improved processes can be used to great effect in gaining an overall source reduction in industrial waste.

Allocate Responsibility & Set Goals

As with any commercial objective, you’ll want to ensure you’re allocating responsibility for improvements in this area to a specific person or team and creating realistic objectives to reflect progress. This may involve the creation of a dedicated waste management team or position within your organisation, the role of which is to implement waste initiatives and continually evaluate performance of the waste producing elements within the business.

Segregate & Recycle

Businesses can adopt a sustainable approach to industrial waste management by implementing segregation and recycling practices. This helps reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a circular economy – something that many countries are actively incentivising businesses to pursue. Here are specific ways to segregate and recycle different types of industrial waste:

  1. Paper and Cardboard: Establish separate bins or containers for paper and cardboard waste generated in offices or packaging materials. Recycling paper products can save energy and reduce the need for virgin resources. Many recycling facilities accept paper and cardboard.
  1. Wood: Segregate wooden pallets, crates, and other wood waste. Depending on its quality, it can be repurposed, chipped for mulch, or converted into biomass fuel.

To successfully implement waste segregation and recycling, businesses should provide employee training, maintain clear labelling and signage, and establish a waste management plan. Regularly audit waste streams to ensure compliance and seek out local recycling programs and facilities to partner with. By recycling these various waste types, businesses can reduce their environmental impact, cut disposal costs, and contribute to a more sustainable and circular industrial waste management system.


Landfills are used to manage industrial waste by collecting and transporting the waste to a designated site, compacting it and burying it within the earth. In some cases, landfill is the simplest and most cost-effective choice when more sustainable options (such as those mentioned in this article) are not possible. Modern landfills are engineered with liners to prevent soil and groundwater contamination, in addition to ongoing monitoring for environmental compliance and post-closure care. However, the focus has certainly shifted towards more sustainable waste management practices to reduce landfill use and environmental impact where possible.


Composting is a valuable method for industrial waste reduction. It involves diverting organic waste, like food scraps and agricultural residues, away from landfills and incinerators. This not only reduces waste volumes and disposal costs but also decreases greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane, which is produced during landfill decomposition. Instead, composting transforms organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, a valuable resource for landscaping, agriculture, and various products, reducing the need for chemical fertilisers.

By adopting composting as a key waste management practice, industrial businesses can make substantial strides in reducing their waste, benefiting the environment, and aligning with sustainable principles that are increasingly important in today’s business landscape.


Partnering with other organisations can significantly aid in reducing any business’s industrial waste. Here are several ways in which such collaboration can help you make your waste management processes more effective at saving you money and reducing waste:

  1. Resource Sharing: Partnering with other businesses or organisations can facilitate the sharing of resources, equipment, or materials, which can lead to more efficient and sustainable production processes. For instance, surplus materials from one organisation might be valuable inputs for another, reducing the need for further resource extraction and waste production.

Hire An Industrial Waste Management Firm

There are many organisations who specialise in the collection and management of waste from industrial plants and other commercial premises. These businesses will have the requisite knowledge and technology to appropriately handle waste streams from the majority of sectors, often handling the separation, sorting and logistics elements of disposal to ensure that your business remains compliant with the law.

Final Thoughts

How you manage your industrial waste will depend heavily upon the industry you operate in and the kinds of waste your business produces. Typically, businesses adopt a blend of practices to achieve cost-effectiveness and sustainability while adhering to applicable regulations. It’s essential to thoroughly assess your organisation’s sources of waste and select a combination of approaches that can address all your waste streams. Each of the options mentioned within this article can be an excellent choice when integrated into a holistic industrial waste management plan.

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